Every individual on our planet deserves to live in peace and freedom in a democratic society. Every voice should have a say in their destiny and to be part of the government that runs their country. That is why we advocate for the dissemination of the values of freedom and democracy to every corner of our planet.

Democracy is fragile and everywhere in the world corrupt politicians try to undermine it. Autocratic governments in China and Russia  attempt to export their values abroad and coerce weak countries economically to try to extend their influence. One-party systems and corrupt autocrats oppress their own people within their country and often also abroad. We advocate for the protection of people within their countries and also when they are persecuted away from home.


Democratic values give individuals the protection they need to thrive in society, to receive an education, grow a business, have a family and seek financial stability. The protections given by law, an independent judiciary, and an elected government, give individuals the confidence that they are safe and free to get on with their lives. Their government should be there to provide support, not to oppress them. 

These basic freedoms that many of us take for granted in Western democracies are lacking in much of the world. When people’s destiny depends on the whims of corrupt politicians and a word out of place can mean a long jail sentence, entire lives and livelihoods can be ruined or prevented from ever developing. 


Some of the most populous countries of the world are not democracies and their citizens suffer severe wealth inequality. For many, there is little hope of change. In China, millions of people live in poverty and those who enjoy a comfortable life are aware that it comes at a cost of giving up all their freedoms. Political dissent is not an option and having an opinion that is not in line with the will of corrupt politicians can mean financial ruin for an individual and their families.

In Hong Kong, millions of people have had their freedoms taken away virtually overnight by a national security law that has cancelled in effect the special status and long-standing civil liberties that were  supposedly guaranteed by international treaty until 2047. 


Supporting and advancing democracy is not just a responsibility, but a collective effort to shape the future we want. At Democracy, we believe in the power of individuals to make a difference in their own countries and extend a helping hand to emerging democracies around the world. By staying informed, engaging in meaningful discussions, participating in peaceful protests, and supporting organizations that champion democratic values, we can ignite the spark of positive change. Together, let’s build a world where every voice is heard and every person can truly experience the freedoms that democracy brings. History is not over – it is alive and evolving, and with your support, it can lead us towards a brighter tomorrow.